Ninja remotes

As time crawls along, we tend to label the various parts of our history based on the prevailing personalities of the time.  The Baby Boomers. The Me Generation. The X Generation. To name a few examples.

I dub this the Remote Generation. Everything these days can be done remotely. Thanks to the wonders of connectivity technology, you don’t even have to be in the vicinity for a remote to work. It all started with the television remote, followed quickly by remotes for audio devices and the like. You buy a new electronic device (especially one meant for entertainment), and very likely there will be a remote control included in the package.

There is always the universal remote. If we can actually manage to make it work with everything! And for some reason, even though we may have the vaunted universal remote, we still keep the other remotes lying around. Just in case? It is always fun visiting someone who says to make yourself at home and feel free to watch what you want on the telly while I go get us some snacks. Which invariably means waiting til they come back since you can’t either find the remote or figure out which of the 5 is the right one.

I have figured out why this is. Because remotes have ninja skills.

Ninja Cats may have mastered the art of stealth. But Ninja Remotes have mastered the art of disguise.

The other day, as mom was getting dad set in front of the television, she ran into a bit of a problem. The remote was not working. She kept pressing buttons and nothing happened. This happens to all of us on occasion. Of course actually using the buttons on the tv and cable box is out of the question. That’s what remotes are for. Frequently it is because the wrong button was pushed at some point, or something as mundane as the batteries need to be replaced.

However on this instance it was something much more sinister.

The dastardly remote had used its ninja skills and disguised itself as the phone!

About Taochild

Kind of like a transformer.
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16 Responses to Ninja remotes

  1. badstoryblog says:

    YES! Fantastic! It’s so funny to watch people when the remote stops working or its lost somewhere in the crevice of the couch. They look lost and confused, as if their TV has just become useless. How could they possibly watch their program?! There is no remote!

  2. Sidney says:

    Moms are so technologically cute.

    Sidney, Floyd, and her three remotes.

  3. The batteries in my remote died the other evening while my wife and I were watching TV. I think it took us about 10 minutes do decide who had to get up to get batteries. We were content to continue watching that channel forever.

    • Taochild says:

      Ha! I common occurrence I think. I have even stayed on the home shopping network rather than get batteries!

  4. Pingback: FedEx Blues! | The Ninja Cat Journals

  5. Pingback: Ninja salsa | The Ninja Cat Journals

  6. rebecca2000 says:

    See we are destined to be friends. You know I call myself a ninja all the time. As a matter of fact…I was part of a group called the ninja writers. LOL I am now following you. I hope you enjoyed some more posts on my blog and will come back! 🙂


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